The AOLP Educational Resource Center is a collection of resources designed to help outdoor lighting professionals build and grow their businesses and careers. This library of educational recordings brings outdoor lighting experts, business professionals and thought leaders directly to your desktop or mobile device.



Illuminate 2021 Virtual Conference

Did you miss AOLP’s 2021 Illuminate Virtual Conference? Catch some great educational sessions, messages from manufacturers and the latest association news during the Annual Member Meeting with recordings of this popular event.


Descriptions of the webinars available for purchase can be found below. If member pricing is not an option, the webinar is already available for free in the members’ only area.

Working With Landscape Architects – Getting in Front of Other Professionals

Presented by Kyle Adamson, CLVLT, Red Oak Outdoor Lighting and Sid Lisanby, Lisanby Designs

In the outdoor lighting industry, we often talk about collaborating with other design professionals. How do we create the necessary relationships so that we are included on projects? What are we bringing to the table to increase and build these relationships? This webinar focuses on these topics and more!

AI and Your Business: How It Can Help & What to Look Out For

Presented by Katie Elzer-Peters, The Garden of Words, LLC

You’ve heard about ChatGPT and Google Gemini. Maybe your CRM software has said, “Use our AI assistant.” But what do those mean for your business? This presentation will give you the tools and understanding to move your business forward.

When an LED Expires and How to Properly Relamp

Presented by Bryan Gold, Brilliance LED

Ever wonder how an LED fades over time? When is a good time to schedule replacements? When do LEDs stop looking their best? This webinar dives deep into the lifecycle of LED lighting and the best practices for ensuring your lighting always shines at its best.

Landscape Lighting State of the Industry 2024

Panelists: Colin Dilley, Shine On Lighting; Tony Gonzalez, Lumien Lighting; Tim Ryan, CLVLT, Lighthouse Design Group; Jesse Wisley, COLD, Mid South Night Lights LLC

Hear from leading experts as they discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in the landscape lighting industry. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the trade, this webinar will provide you with knowledge and insights to stay ahead of the competition.

Dimming Matters: What You Need to Know About Dimming (But Didn’t Know to Ask)

Presented by Dan Utley, EE, Letzgo Products, Inc.

Why dim? What to dim? Why the flicker? Trailing vs. Leading Edge dimming? During this presentation, Dan shares his practical knowledge on the subject of dimming for landscape lighting.

Thoughtful Lighting Design for Small Homes

Presented by Chris Mitchell, COLD, NiteLiters Inc.

Learn how to elevate lighting design on small residential homes.

Harnessing Different Color Temperatures: Mastering the Art of Landscape and Architectural Lighting

Presented by Ryan Jaso, Lighting BOSS and Raymond Josephian, Illumicare Group Ltd.

This webinar explores the importance of different color temperatures in landscape and architectural lighting and provides insights into how to use them effectively.

2024 Outdoor Lighting Award Winners

Hear from some of our winners as they discuss the creative process and installation techniques behind their award-winning designs.

Linear Tape Lighting

Panelists: Kevin Smith, CLVLT, Brilliance; James Cervantes, FX Luminaire

Hear from industry experts as they delve deep into the use of linear tape lighting. Our panelists discuss the “why” behind linear tape lighting and how to use it, as well as review their own flexible RGBW tape lighting products.

Pricing for Profits: How to Add at Least 25% to Your Bottom Line (Without Doing Any More Work)

Presented by Ryan Lee, CLVLT, Landscape Lighting Secrets

During this webinar, Ryan discusses what it actually costs you to run your company and share proven pricing strategies that will help you add BIG PROFITS to your lighting business.

Landscape Lighting State of the Industry 2023

Panelists: Tom Bevilacqua, AfterDark Landscape Lighting, Inc.; Bryan Gold, Brilliance; Mike Long, CLVLT, COLD, Mike’s Landscape Lighting LLC; Roger Ramsey, CLVLT, Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply

Hear from leading experts as they discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in the landscape lighting industry. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the trade, this webinar will provide you with knowledge and insights to stay ahead of the competition.

2023 Outdoor Lighting Award Winners

Hear from some of our winners as they discuss the creative process and installation techniques behind their award-winning designs.

ANSI/UL 1838, Standard for Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Systems

Presented by Michael Shulman, UL Solutions

This is a webinar on all things UL 1838. In addition to reviewing the background of UL 1838, Michael also covers its relationships with NEC 411, CSA C22.2 No. 250.7 and UL 2108, as well as UL 1838 revision proposals for 2023.

Outdoor Audio Fundamentals: Learn How to Design Systems for Success

Presented by Shay Brummer and Kevin Minton, Coastal Source

Combining the joy of music and love of the outdoors is a great way to enhance your clients’ outdoor spaces. Whether it’s dining, relaxing, or watching the game, entertainment has become an important element in outdoor living designs. How do you create a system that’s just right for your client? What questions should you be asking? How does it all go together? These questions, and others, are answered during this presentation.

Why EMI is Important to Your Outdoor Lighting Installations

Presented by Tom Garber, CLVLT, EmeryAllen, LLC

What is EMI and why is it important to consider in your landscape lighting systems? Tom explains Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and why manufacturers and contractors alike need to be aware of it.

Holiday Lighting State of the Industry 2022

Panelists: Scott Heese, Holidynamics; Nick Schriver, CLVLT, Decorating Elves; Darrin Selking, CLVLT, Landscape Illumination; Jimmy Tompkins, Brite Creations

Hear from some of the leading industry experts on what’s happening, what to expect, what to get ready for the holiday season. Top industry professionals representing designers, contractors, manufacturers, and distributors discuss what’s hot, what’s not, new trends, old trends, and what they see happening in the industry.

Landscape Lighting State of the Industry 2022

Panelists: Ryan Jaso, Lighting Boss; Mark Lape, Kichler; Joel Mayor, Texas Outdoor Lighting; Jim Ply, Oak Crest Landscape and Lighting

Industry professionals representing designers, contractors, manufacturers and distributors discuss what’s hot, what’s not, new trends, old trends and what they see happening in the industry.

Designing the Workforce of Tomorrow

Presented by Jeff McManus, The Jeff McManus Group

The outdoor lighting industry has always needed more people – and now with COVID creating unprecedented demand for services, we are struggling to cope. If the labor shortage is here to stay, we need to prepare for what is coming. How can the workforce of tomorrow be created today? Can we develop the industry in a way that attracts the right people? Should we recruit workers or just wait until they apply? How do solopreneurs grow their business without burning out? This webinar focuses on these questions and finding answers that can work for you.

Looking Beyond UL 1838 and NEC 411

Presented by Gerry De La Vega, CLVLT, Terradek Lighting, Inc.

This webinar focuses on the broader discussion of the regulatory structure of the industry and its various components. The U.S. National Electrical Code (NEC) may seem confusing, but Gerry’s explanation defines each portion as it applies to the industry. Gerry will further expand your understanding by clarifying who the “regulatory players” are; as well as explain their roles and responsibilities.

How to Effectively Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Landscape Lighting Business

Presented by Ryan Lee, Landscape Lighting Secrets

Rather than wasting money on boosted posts and just posting random pics of your projects, learn how to create effective ads that work. Whether you have never placed a Facebook ad, or you have someone running ads for you, you’re not going to want to miss this exclusive step-by-step walk-through of the Facebook ads dashboard. You’ll learn some basics as well as some advanced techniques to make sure you are optimizing your Facebook leads.

Using an Electrical Multimeter to Help Install and Maintain Low Voltage Lighting

Presented by Jim Carefoot, Armada Technologies LLC

An electrical multimeter is a basic tool to help you install and maintain a low voltage lighting system, and it can be easy to use once you know a few things about it. This webinar will show you how a meter is used to identify trouble with systems and components. Jim will illustrate how lighting system components work in a chain from the power outlet to fixtures to deliver light. Examples of meter and tester types will be included, from simple multimeters to more sophisticated clamp multimeters.

Profit is Important… But Cash Flow is Critical!

Presented by Tom Grandy, Founder, Grandy & Associates

Most companies that go out of business do so during their highest volume, most profitable year! Cash flow problems put more companies out of business than any other single cause, except improper labor pricing. This presentation will help you pinpoint “potential” cash flow problems before they occur. Tom will review a sample company’s budget to help you learn the basics of cash flow while also reviewing the mechanics of how to develop a month-by-month, department-by-department, cash flow budget. Having the ability to project monthly cash flow needs might just be the piece of the puzzle your company needs to help it continue profitable growth during these economic times.