Summer Issue: Renewed Purpose: Directors Make Updates at Recent Meeting

Summer Issue: Safety on the Job
July 6, 2018
Summer Issue: Industry News
July 6, 2018
Summer Issue: Safety on the Job
July 6, 2018
Summer Issue: Industry News
July 6, 2018

The AOLP Board of Directors gathered in Harrisburg in mid-May to work on association business. It was a great time of good brainstorming, exciting vision casting and, as always, friendly networking around the board table.

Among the meeting agenda items was a review of AOLP’s mission, purpose statements and code of ethics. While the directors affirmed the organization’s mission, they updated the purpose and code of ethics.

The AOLP Purpose Statement is:

  1. That the association develops and is professionally committed to follow industry standards and organizational code of ethics.
  2. That the consumer is better served when landscape lighting is designed and installed by a certified professional holding designations such as COLD or CLVLT
  3. That the industry, and ultimately the consumer, benefit when adhering to the business‐to‐business model.

Members will be asked to agree to the revised Code of Ethics during the membership renewal process this fall. Click here for the updated AOLP Code of Ethics.


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